Moving House with a pet

Moving Houses With Pets

Moving house is a stressful time and comes with a great deal of change. Whilst we as humans are affected by this upheaval, so are our furry friends. Here are some tips for moving house with dogs.

Vet checks

Before you move your pet, it’s important to book an appointment with the vet to ensure their physical health is good and that they are up to date with any vaccinations, flea treatments and worming. This ensures they don’t carry any unwanted nasties over to the new property.

Recognise anxiety during the pack

Once you enter the packing phase of the move, your pet will already sense that something is out of the ordinary, which can cause anxiety. Keep an eye on their behaviour during this time, and give them plenty of love and affection.

Making the travel time pet-friendly

How you travel with your pets depends on how far you’re moving. If it’s a car ride away, it’s best to have pets travel with you, so they don’t feel alone or abandoned. Dogs can be susceptible if they’ve seen everything in the house packed up. If they are then suddenly alone and moved to an unknown destination, it can cause panic. Keep them close if you can.

Help them settle in

Help them get used to the new surroundings by slowly introducing them to each room and the front and back yard. Place their beds and blankets in safe, cosy places where they can be near you. Scatter their toys around and give them time to get to know their new home.

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