Office Moving Checklist

Office Moving Checklist

You’ve signed a new lease and are preparing for your office move. Perhaps you have outgrown your current space, moving to a more convenient location or cutting back on your overheads. Moving office spaces is an exciting time. Though, with saying that, it can also bring feelings of stress if not managed properly.

Andersons Removals have assisted many businesses with their office relocation. It can be a complicated manoeuvre with many different things to juggle. If misjudged, it can also be a costly correction. 

We have made a simple guideline to help your office relocation efficient and as hassle-free as possible.

Plan, Plan, Plan!

Yes, this may sound obvious, but take it from us; planning is an absolute must! Give yourself at least three months to put a clear and concise plan together with all the details of your move. Write a list of all the things you need to remember before move day and check off tasks as you go. This will help you keep a clear mind and drastically reduce stress.

Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need

We are all guilty of holding on to things longer than we need to from time to time, but don’t be afraid to throw things out before move day. Old electronic equipment, furniture that doesn’t get used, irrelevant data and anything else that has been hanging around the office too long. There is no point in moving junk from one place to another.

Keep Your Customers in The Loop

Whether you’re offline for a day or a week, make sure to give your customers a heads-up that you will be closed. A sign on the door won’t cut it when you have customers who have travelled a long way to come in, and if you service clients remotely, they need to know why they can’t get through, so always send an email out and give them a heads up.

Update Your Details

Don’t forget to update your office address on your website and anywhere else your company appears online. 
You will also need to notify service and utility providers of your upcoming move. Doing this in advance will assist in making the transition smoother.

Hire a Removal Company

There’s no escaping the fact that moving house is a massive, stressful job that requires a lot of manpower. To make the moving process simple, enlist the help of a professional removal company such as Andersons Removals. 

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